Unknown Resident Cases

Ameila Island, FL US
June 19, 2017

Course Directors: Michael B. Phillips, M.D. and Thomas A. Waller, M.D.

Clinical Reviews seeks to update physicians on the latest recommendations involving the medical subspecialities important for the primary care physician through a comprehensive program consisting of lectures, workshops, and panel discussions on topics of general interest in various areas of medicine.

Target Audience

This course is designed for family physicians, general internists, physician’s assistants, nurse practitioners, and registered nurses that practice primary care medicine.  The majority of our intended audience practice in outpatient solo or group practices. They have a need for a review course on primary care subjects, while gaining new strategies of care.

Course summary
Event starts: 
06/19/2017 - 1:15pm
Event ends: 
06/19/2017 - 3:30pm
The Ritz-Carlton
4750 Amelia Island Parkway
Ameila Island, FL 32024
United States
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