E.g., 07/12/2024
E.g., 07/12/2024
Title Program description Type Credit Event date
Mayo Clinic Talks: Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity: "No Loafing Matter"

Available until February 1, 2026

It’s estimated that less than 1/3 of individuals with celiac disease have been properly diagnosed. When those with celiac disease ingest gluten, an immune response develops which attacks the small intestine leading to inadequate absorption of nutrients. If left untreated, celiac disease can lead to a variety of nutritional deficiencies as well as other serious consequences. Those with celiac disease are also at increased risk for coronary disease and small bowel cancers. In this podcast we’ll review celiac disease and gluten sensitivity with our guest, Amy S. Oxentenko, M.D., a gastroenterologist at the Mayo Clinic. We’ll discuss the symptoms of celiac disease, how to diagnose the condition and how patients with celiac disease should be managed.

    • 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.50 Attendance
Mayo Clinic Talks: Testosterone Supplementation in Men: Risks, Benefits, and Best Practices

Available until February 1, 2026

Testosterone has a variety of health benefits. It helps maintain bone density, muscle mass, red blood cell production and sexual function. Testosterone levels in men tend to peak between age 30 to 40 then gradually decline and it’s not unusual to find low testosterone levels in men over the age of 50. It’s also known that in men with hypogonadism, testosterone supplementation can improve libido, bone density and muscle mass. Should we be checking testosterone levels in our middle-age male patients? How do we determine who should receive testosterone supplementation and finally what are the risks of supplementation? In this podcast, these are all questions I’ll be asking our guest, Dr. Nahid Punjani, a urologist at the Mayo Clinic as we discuss “Testosterone Supplementation in Men”.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
Mayo Clinic Talks: LGBTQIA+ Health for Primary Care

Available until February 1, 2026

Individuals who belong to the LGBTQIA+ population are a part of the communities we provide care. Every member of this group is unique, and recognizing how sexual orientation and gender identity influences each person, including how these concepts may evolve and change over a life span, can help us provide more inclusive and whole person care. Many members of the LGBTQIA+ population either do not have access to, or do not seek quality medical care due to stigma and discrimination, which then leads to many disparities. By learning how to provide culturally sensitive care, we can help reduce healthcare disparities for LGBTQIA+ folks. Tune in to this episode to learn more about the LGBTQIA+ community, some of the disparities the community faces, and learn about some special considerations that may arise in your care of the LGBTQIA+ patient.

    • 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.50 Attendance
Mayo Clinic Talks: HIV & Attitudes Towards PrEP

Available until February 1, 2026

As primary care providers, evaluating patients with a virus is a common part of our practice. This ranges from colds, a painful shingles outbreak, COVID-19, RSV bronchiolitis, influenza, and many more. Oftentimes, after a detailed physical exam, we tell our patients the cause of their symptoms are due to a virus and that their symptoms should improve in a couple days to weeks. However, we know that sometimes the symptoms of a viral infection can be a harbinger of more severe disease. In today’s talk, we will be discussing a virus. Acute infection with this virus can present with fever, fatigue, myalgias, arthralgias, lymphadenopathy, sore throat, headache, diarrhea, weight loss, and rash. This constellation of symptoms, especially when they persist for a prolonged duration of time can be representative of an acute HIV infection. Tune in to this episode to learn more about the pathophysiology of HIV, how a patient can contract HIV, the tests to perform when an acute HIV infection is suspected, how to prevent an HIV infection, and also to learn a bit more about anal Pap smears.

    • 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.50 Attendance
Mayo Clinic Talks: Functional Dyspepsia: BOOM! BANG! Burning & Pain!

Available until February 1, 2026

Functional dyspepsia, also known as non-ulcer dyspepsia, represents chronic upper GI symptoms of indigestion and not infrequently abdominal discomfort. Diagnosing functional dyspepsia can be challenging since there are no definitive diagnostic tests. This often results in patients seeking multiple medical opinions searching for a specific cause and treatment for their symptoms. What are the common presenting symptoms of functional dyspepsia? What’s an appropriate evaluation and how do we treat our patients who have it? In this podcast, we’ll discuss these questions and more with David J. Cangemi, M.D., a gastroenterologist from the Mayo Clinic.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
Mayo Clinic Talks: Vestibular Schwannomas (aka Acoustic Neuromas)

Available until February 1, 2026

Hearing loss is a commonly seen symptom in a primary care office practice, as is tinnitus and vertigo. Fortunately, they’re almost always due to a benign cause. However, these symptoms may represent something more ominous, an acoustic neuroma, also known as a vestibular schwannoma. It’s important to consider this diagnosis when we see them in our patients, as there is the potential for serious consequences to develop if this remains untreated. What type of hearing loss is associated with a vestibular schwannoma? What are the other associated symptoms? How do we go about evaluating these patients and how are they best treated? I’ll be asking these questions of our guests Michael J. Link, M.D., a neurosurgeon from the Department of Neurologic Surgery and Mathew L. Carlson, M.D., a head and neck surgeon from the Department of Otolaryngology, both at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Our topic for this podcast is vestibular schwannomas.

    • 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.50 Attendance
Mayo Clinic Talks: Alopecia: Handling Our Patients with Hair Loss

Available until February 1, 2026

Hair loss is quite common and although it occurs more commonly in men, it can also occur in women. It’s estimated that up to 80% of men and nearly 50% of women experience hair loss. While it’s not a life-or-death health issue, it can have a negative effect on confidence and self-esteem and a significant amount of money is spent on hair regrowth products and restoration procedures. Did you know that about 95% of our total skin area is covered in hair and you can lose up to 50% of your hair before it’s noticeable to others? How does hair loss differ in males and females? Why do some men go bald? And how effective is the pharmacologic treatment that’s available in producing hair regrowth? We’ll discuss these questions and more with our guest, Jason C. Sluzevich, M.D., a dermatologist at the Mayo Clinic. The topic for this podcast is “Handling Our Patients with Hair Loss”.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
“Lettuce Eat” Plant-Based Diets: Healthy & Non-Healthy

Available until February 1, 2026

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death to individuals in the U.S. Many feel that our typical American diet with its high saturated fat content is a major contributor to this. There’s good evidence that shows plant-based diets are cost-effective in lowering the risk factors for cardiovascular disease including obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and diabetes. They may also lower the number of medications an individual needs to take to manage their chronic diseases. So, are there any disadvantages to a plant-based diet? Are all plant-based diets healthy and what are the nutritional challenges for a patient on a plant-based diet? We’ll discuss these questions in this podcast on “Plant-Based Diets”. Our guest is Lisa Lammert, a registered dietician and nutritionist at the Mayo Clinic.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
Psychiatric Issues Stemming From COVID-19

Available until February 1, 2026

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused innumerable health complications. One complication which hasn’t received a lot of attention has been the effect seen on mental health. Since the pandemic, the incidence of mental illness has increased dramatically, both in patients who have been infected as well as those suffering the social consequences of the pandemic. This has led to mental health disorders representing a major cause of disability. What can we learn from a historical perspective as a result of previous pandemics? How does the COVID-19 virus produce the variety of neuropsychiatric disorders commonly seen? And most importantly, how can we help our patients with their mental health disorders associated with the pandemic? This podcast will review “Psychiatric Issues Stemming From COVID-19” with our guest, Teresa A. Rummans, M.D., a psychiatrist from the Department of Psychiatry and Psychology at the Mayo Clinic.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
Diagnostic Uncertainty and Undiagnosed Illness

Available until February 1, 2026

As clinicians, we’re used to obtaining health information from our patients through a medical history, performing a physical exam and ordering a variety of lab tests or imaging studies. We then formulate a differential diagnosis and eventually a diagnosis to explain the patient’s health problem. But what happens when a diagnosis isn’t obvious or we’re uncertain what may be causing the patient’s problems. What if a patient asks us a question and we don’t know the answer? How do we express our uncertainty to our patients and how do our patients react to our uncertainty? In this podcast, we’ll discuss diagnostic uncertainty and how to approach our patients when we can’t find a specific diagnosis to explain their symptoms. Our guests include Liz A. Gilman, M.D., and Chris R. Stephenson, M.D., M.H.P.E., both from the Division of General Internal Medicine at the Mayo Clinic.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
What’s New with C. Difficile

Available until February 1, 2026

It’s estimated that C. difficile causes about a half million infections each year in the U.S. and 1 in 6 of those will have a recurrence within a couple months. Although C. difficile typically occurs following the use of antibiotics, it can also be spread from one individual to another, especially in hospitals and skilled nursing facilities. What are the common symptoms of an infection with C. difficile? How do we test for it? How should an infection be treated and what do we do with patients who have one or more recurrences. In this podcast, we’ll be discussing “What’s New with C. Difficile?” and these are some of the questions I’ll be asking our guest, Sahil Khanna, M.B.B.S., M.S., a gastroenterologist from the Mayo Clinic.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
"The Heat is On" Heat-Related Conditions

Available until February 1, 2026

We’ve all been experiencing the intense heat and humidity, and did you know that this past July was one of the hottest months on record. Exposure to heat poses a major threat to high-risk populations by substantially contributing to increased morbidity and mortality. Our podcast today is tackling the most common heat-related conditions with Neha P. Raukar, M.D., M.S., Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
Tired Teens: Chronic Fatigue in Adolescents

Available until February 1, 2026

Among adolescents, complaints regarding fatigue are relatively common and it’s been assumed to be associated with the hormonal changes of puberty, the various social conflicts common in adolescence and a variety of educational expectations. At times, fatigue becomes chronic and may be accompanied by other physical symptoms including mood disorders, headaches, musculoskeletal pains, and various GI symptoms. When chronic fatigue in adolescence has been investigated, no single causal factor has been found and its likely to be multi-factorial. The topic for this podcast is “Chronic Fatigue in Adolescents” and we’ll discuss this with our guest Philip R. Fischer, M.D., a pediatrician from the Department of Pediatrics at the Mayo Clinic.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
Valvular Heart Disease: The Aortic Valve

Available until February 1, 2026

It’s estimated that between 2% and 3% of the population has some form of valvular heart disease and this increases with age. Most of these patients are initially cared for by primary care providers. Most valvular disease deaths are due to disease of the aortic valve and it’s important to recognize these patients early in order to assess for progression and the need for surgical intervention. What are the presenting symptoms of aortic valve disease? What’s the best way to manage and follow these patients and when should a cardiologist and cardiac surgeon become involved in the care of the patient? In this podcast, we’ll discuss these questions and more with cardiologist Rekha Mankad, M.D., from the Mayo Clinic.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
Valvular Heart Disease: The Mitral Valve

Available until February 1, 2026

Mitral valve disorders are extremely common, one of the most common is mitral valve prolapse. The majority of these patients live their life without symptoms, but some go on to develop significant mitral regurgitation or less likely, mitral stenosis. How can we recognize mitral valve disease and what’s recommended to confirm a diagnosis? How should these patients be followed? Do they need a lifetime of cardiac imaging? When is a cardiologist needed to help manage these patients? In this podcast, we’ll discuss these questions and more with cardiologist Rekha Mankad, M.D., a cardiologist from the Mayo Clinic.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
