E.g., 07/26/2024
E.g., 07/26/2024
Title Program description Type Credit Event datesort descending
Mayo Clinic Talks: Post Transplant Kidney Care for Local Physicians

Available until February 1, 2026

Kidney transplants are quite common; over 20,000 transplants will have been performed by the end of 2022 and there are currently just under 90,000 individuals on the national transplant waiting list. They’ve been remarkably successful in giving patients with renal failure an improved quality of life. However, patients who have had kidney transplants have unique medical needs. Since most transplant patients will return to their primary care providers for the majority of their ongoing care, what important information do we need to successfully care for these patients? What unique medical needs do they have? And what potential health problems are more commonly seen in transplant patients? In this podcast, our guest, Samy M. Riad, M.D., a nephrologist at the Mayo Clinic will answer these questions and more as we discuss the management of the post-renal transplant patient.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
Mayo Clinic Proceedings Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Clinical Pearls for Primary Care Providers and Gastroenterologists (April 1, 2024)

April 1, 2024 - March 31, 2026

One of the premier peer-reviewed clinical journals in general and internal medicine, Mayo Clinic Proceedings is among the most widely read and highly cited scientific publications...

    • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 1.00 ABIM
Ophthalmology Grand Rounds Episode 62: What are the safest ways to manage uncontrolled glaucoma in pregnancy? and What are the genetic underpinnings...

Available until March 5, 2026 - Online CME Course

Mayo Clinic's Ophthalmology Grand Rounds has been repurposed as an online offering for ophthalmologists, optometrists, physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and nurses who are interested in learning more about a variety of medical and surgical conditions in ophthalmology.

    • 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.50 Attendance
Discussing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Patients with Serious Illness (CME)

Online Course Through MyLearning

This course is for Mayo Clinic Personnel only

In this module you will learn about the impact of discussing sexual orientation and gender identity in patients with serious illness.

Enduring Ongoing
Point-of-Care Echocardiography: How to Use in Clinical Practice Online CME Course

Available until November 12, 2024 - Online CME Course

Widespread availability and ease of use of hand-held echocardiography (ECG) devices is changing clinical practice. This online CME course teaches basic to intermediate ECG to physicians and allied health staff to assist with potential diagnosis and ordering appropriate tests. Learners can apply the information to clinical practice, and to expedite patient management and discharge.

    • 10.25 ABS
    • 10.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 10.25 AOA Category 2-A
    • 10.25 Attendance
Diagnostic Uncertainty and Undiagnosed Illness

Available until February 1, 2026

As clinicians, we’re used to obtaining health information from our patients through a medical history, performing a physical exam and ordering a variety of lab tests or imaging studies. We then formulate a differential diagnosis and eventually a diagnosis to explain the patient’s health problem. But what happens when a diagnosis isn’t obvious or we’re uncertain what may be causing the patient’s problems. What if a patient asks us a question and we don’t know the answer? How do we express our uncertainty to our patients and how do our patients react to our uncertainty? In this podcast, we’ll discuss diagnostic uncertainty and how to approach our patients when we can’t find a specific diagnosis to explain their symptoms. Our guests include Liz A. Gilman, M.D., and Chris R. Stephenson, M.D., M.H.P.E., both from the Division of General Internal Medicine at the Mayo Clinic.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 172: Going Against the Graine: Triptans and Cardiovascular Disease

Available until December 31, 2024 - Podcast Online CME Education

Jordyn Erkel, PharmD reviews the connection between migraines and cardiovascular disease.

    • 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.50 AAPA Category 1
    • 0.50 ACPE
    • 0.50 ANCC
    • 0.50 Attendance
Ophthalmology Grand Rounds Episode 70: Dancing Eye Movements in a 45-Year-Old Male: A rare case of Eight-And-A-Half Syndrome and Hakuna matata:...

Available until March 5, 2026 - Online CME Course

Mayo Clinic's Ophthalmology Grand Rounds has been repurposed as an online offering for ophthalmologists, optometrists, physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and nurses who are interested in learning more about a variety of medical and surgical conditions in ophthalmology.

    • 0.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.75 Attendance
Pharmacogenomics – Online CNE/CME Course

Available until July 31, 2025 - Online CNE/CME Course

This module provides you with the knowledge needed to incorporate genomic testing results related to pharmacogenomics into your practice.

    • 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 1.50 ANCC
    • 1.50 Attendance
Approach to the Older Adult With New Cognitive Symptoms

Available until February 1, 2026

If we see older patients, we commonly see Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias in our practice. At times, the presenting symptoms can be quite subtle and it’s not uncommon for the diagnosis to take several years to establish. Very often, any early symptoms which are noticed are attributed to the aging process. Although we don’t have very effective options for treating dementia, it’s still important to diagnose the condition as early as possible. In this podcast, we’ll be discussing “Assessing the Older Patient with New Cognitive Symptoms.” We’ll review the usefulness of a mental status exam, recommended lab tests, whether a brain imaging study is indicated and more with our guest, Ericka E. Tung, M.D., M.P.H., an internist, and geriatrician from the Division of Community Internal Medicine at the Mayo Clinic.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
Mayo Clinic Talks: Management of Patients with Late-Stage Dementia: A Caring Hand

Available until February 1, 2026

Dementia is a devastating health condition for patients, their families, and a challenging disease for primary care providers. Whereas the diagnosis is usually straightforward to establish, the pharmacologic treatment options have been, at best, disappointing. With little to nothing to offer our patients which would improve their cognitive status; our responsibility for their management doesn’t end there. We still have a responsibility to provide ongoing care to these patients as well as their caregivers as they progress into the later stages of dementia. This brings up numerous management challenges including maintaining our patient’s independence, as well as numerous safety and nutrition issues. This podcast will review the management of the patient with later stage dementia with our guest is Mairead M. Bartley, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., a geriatrician and internist in the Division of Community Medicine at the Mayo Clinic.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
40th Annual Geriatric Care Online CNE Nursing Conference

This online nursing conference is designed to provide an overview of advancements in caring for geriatric patient populations focusing on behavioral health, ethics & cultural care, medications, transitions, wound care, and more. Expert panels and case scenarios for questions and answers are also included.

    • 6.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 7.00 ANCC
    • 7.00 Attendance
    • 5.00 ASWB
Women's Health Update Online Course

Available until August 14, 2026 - Online CME Course

This online course offers a variety of health issues that are unique to women and/or highlight medical conditions that may cause different symptoms in women or affect women differently than men and thus, may require different treatment or prevention protocols. Treatment updates include common breast symptoms, breast reconstruction, common medical concerns in many women such as UTIs, diverticulitis, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, updates regarding COVID-19 and monkeypox infections. Other topics include menopause and mood along with premature menopause, androgens in women, and troubleshooting hormone therapy. In addition, several topics on sexual health including female sexual physiology, causes and management of sexual difficulties. Many other topics discussing cosmetic concerns, sports injuries, weight management, and regenerative medicine will be explored.

    • 28.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 28.50 AAFP Prescribed
    • 28.50 ACOG
    • 28.50 ANCC
    • 28.50 Attendance
Pharmacy Podcast Episode 137 : Measuring Value in Drug Therapy

Available until September 1, 2024 - Podcast Online CME Education

Benjamin J. Anderson, PharmD, MPH, FASHP and Diana J. Schreier, PharmD, MBA, BCPS recognize the history and regulations for prospective medication order review, describe the technical landscape for verification decision support and explore real-world verification decision support outcomes.

    • 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.50 AAPA Category 1
    • 0.50 ACPE
    • 0.50 ANCC
    • 0.50 Attendance
Basics of ECG Rhythm Interpretation 2024 Livestream (virtual) Online CNE Nursing Course Series

DATE - Livestream CNE Course - Central Time

This livestream CNE course is designed as a beginner overview of ECG rhythm interpretation for cardiac monitoring. The course focuses on basic cardiac rhythm identification including some pathophysiology and treatment interventions. 12 lead ECG interpretation is not included. This course will be conducted as a live web stream with an expert instructor and includes hands on practice time interpreting ECG rhythms. Self-paced pre & post work is also included in this course. Included in the registration fee is a set of digital calipers and the "Basic ECG Redbook" (a comprehensive workbook). These will be mailed to registered participants one week prior to the live course date. Please ensure the mailing address is updated in your learner profile. Mayo Clinic Department of Nursing learners-search for this course in the internal LMS system My Learning for registration. Course name is Basic ECG Interpretation, ID# A1060110ECGI15.
    • 8.00 ANCC
    • 8.00 Attendance
