E.g., 07/26/2024
E.g., 07/26/2024
Title Program description Type Credit Event datesort descending
What’s New with C. Difficile

Available until February 1, 2026

It’s estimated that C. difficile causes about a half million infections each year in the U.S. and 1 in 6 of those will have a recurrence within a couple months. Although C. difficile typically occurs following the use of antibiotics, it can also be spread from one individual to another, especially in hospitals and skilled nursing facilities. What are the common symptoms of an infection with C. difficile? How do we test for it? How should an infection be treated and what do we do with patients who have one or more recurrences. In this podcast, we’ll be discussing “What’s New with C. Difficile?” and these are some of the questions I’ll be asking our guest, Sahil Khanna, M.B.B.S., M.S., a gastroenterologist from the Mayo Clinic.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
Approach to the Older Adult With New Cognitive Symptoms

Available until February 1, 2026

If we see older patients, we commonly see Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias in our practice. At times, the presenting symptoms can be quite subtle and it’s not uncommon for the diagnosis to take several years to establish. Very often, any early symptoms which are noticed are attributed to the aging process. Although we don’t have very effective options for treating dementia, it’s still important to diagnose the condition as early as possible. In this podcast, we’ll be discussing “Assessing the Older Patient with New Cognitive Symptoms.” We’ll review the usefulness of a mental status exam, recommended lab tests, whether a brain imaging study is indicated and more with our guest, Ericka E. Tung, M.D., M.P.H., an internist, and geriatrician from the Division of Community Internal Medicine at the Mayo Clinic.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
Mayo Clinic Talks: Year Three of COVID-19: Harsh Truths, Brutal Realities & Glimmers of Hope

Available until February 1, 2026

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, also known as COVID-19, is a novel virus with a rapidly changing genotype. It’s responsible for over a million deaths so far. One of every 300 Americans have died as a result of the virus and infection with COVID-19, and it has been responsible for a reduction in life expectancy in the U.S. for both 2021 and 2022. There are 4 widely available, approved vaccines in the United States, yet an inadequate number of individuals have been immunized and very few are still wearing protective masks. The consequences of this include continued excess morbidity and mortality as well as the development of a variety of new variants of the virus. Our guest for this podcast is Greg A. Poland, M.D., an internist, and the director of vaccine research at the Mayo Clinic. He’s also the lead author of an article published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings in December 2022. The article is entitled “Year 3 of COVID-19: Harsh Truths, Brutal Realities and Glimmers of Hope”. We’ll be discussing some of the key points from this article.

    • 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.50 Attendance
Pain Management Beyond Opioids

Available until February 1, 2026

Pain management is a combination of science and art. We have a variety of treatment options to choose from however some have significant potential for harm and some the potential to be abused and carry the risk of dependence. We need to choose our treatments carefully, based on the type of pain we are treating as well as other health conditions found in our patient. In addition to the various analgesic products, other options include injections, nerve blocks and several integrative medicine alternatives. In this podcast, we’ll discuss the various pain management options we have available and hopefully give you some new ideas to help manage pain in your patients. Our guest for this podcast is Christy L. Hunt, D.O., a Pain Medicine specialist at the Mayo Clinic.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
Women in Gastroenterology & Hepatology Showcase Online Course

Available until February 28, 2026 - Online CME Course

A symposium delivered entirely by women of national and international recognition in the fields of gastroenterology and hepatology. This symposium highlights a spectrum of topics including, clinical care, education, clinical-basic science research and professional development knowledge.

    • 6.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 6.25 AAPA Category 1
    • 6.25 Attendance
What's New in Family Medicine 2022-2023 Online Course

Available until August 3, 2026 - Online CME Course

What's New in Family Medicine 2022-2023 online course is the 3rd in a series that focuses on a myriad of topics that are important to the broad specialty of family medicine. It will provide learners with current and relevant updates for daily management of various patient health concerns encountered commonly in primary care. Some topics that will be explored are reducing health care disparities; assessing and managing a psychiatric crisis; antimicrobial stewardship; HIV PREP; aspirin for primary prevention of CV disease; facilitation of advanced care planning and subjects that are always important to primary care including the evaluation of anemia and updates in diabetes management including the use of continuous glucose monitors. New guidelines were issued in 2022 addressing the management of mastitis spectrum disorders and the use of opioids for treatment of pain will be discussed and Point of care ultrasound (POCUS), an emerging modality in primary care, will also be explored.

    • 12.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 12.00 AAFP Prescribed
    • 12.00 ACPE
    • 12.00 ANCC
    • 12.00 Attendance
"Hacking" The Unexplained Chronic Cough

Available until February 1, 2026

A patient with an unexplained cough is commonly seen in an outpatient primary care practice. While there are several potential causes, fortunately, most are relatively benign. However, determining the cause can be challenging and its best to use an organized approach in the evaluation. Using the patient’s history, chest imaging studies, pulmonary function and occasionally laboratory tests, we’re usually able to determine the cause. What are the most common causes of a persistent cough? What approach is recommended in the evaluation? And what should we do when no cause is apparent? We’ll discuss “The Unexplained Cough” in this podcast with our guest, Sumedh S. Hoskote, M.B.B.S., a pulmonologist in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care at the Mayo Clinic.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
Mayo Clinic Talks: Headache Edition Online CME Course

Available until June 27, 2025 - Online CME Course

This online CME course is recommended for primary care providers. The course is comprised of Mayo Clinic Talks podcast interviews about various presentations, evaluation and treatment of headaches, as well as the management of migraines. Listen in the course or using your favorite podcast app, then return here to take a short assessment and claim credit.

    • 4.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 4.75 Attendance
Mayo Clinic Proceedings Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Clinical Pearls for Primary Care Providers and Gastroenterologists (April 1, 2024)

April 1, 2024 - March 31, 2026

One of the premier peer-reviewed clinical journals in general and internal medicine, Mayo Clinic Proceedings is among the most widely read and highly cited scientific publications...

    • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 1.00 ABIM
Mayo Clinic Talks: Seasonal Allergies: It's Not Easy To Be Sneezy

Available until February 1, 2026

Millions of Americans suffer from seasonal allergies causing a variety of symptoms which often force them to stay indoors and limit their activities. Allergic rhinitis carries a significant economic burden accounting for an estimated 2 million lost school days, and 6 million lost workdays per year. Fortunately, there are numerous treatment options available. The topic for today’s podcast is seasonal allergies and our guest is Mansi J. Kanuga, M.D., an allergist at the Mayo Clinic. We’ll discuss how to use the patient’s history to determine the patient’s allergies, when allergy tests are indicated and management of seasonal allergies.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
Mayo Clinic Talks: Healthcare Professional Burnout: Contributors, Consequences and Solutions

Available until February 1, 2026

The practice of medicine is often stressful and at times, even frustrating. Sometimes the stress and frustration can get out of hand and lead us to feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. This has been described as burnout. There’s good evidence to suggest that well over half of all physicians practicing in the U.S. have exhibited some symptoms of burnout at some time during their career. Healthcare professional burnout not only has negative consequences for the clinician, but also for patients, as patient care can often suffer. What are the symptoms of burnout, can we prevent them and how can we manage those who are experiencing professional burnout? We’ll discuss these questions and more with Colin P. West, M.D., Ph.D., an internist in the Division of General Internal Medicine at the Mayo Clinic.

    • 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.50 Attendance
“Lettuce Eat” Plant-Based Diets: Healthy & Non-Healthy

Available until February 1, 2026

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death to individuals in the U.S. Many feel that our typical American diet with its high saturated fat content is a major contributor to this. There’s good evidence that shows plant-based diets are cost-effective in lowering the risk factors for cardiovascular disease including obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and diabetes. They may also lower the number of medications an individual needs to take to manage their chronic diseases. So, are there any disadvantages to a plant-based diet? Are all plant-based diets healthy and what are the nutritional challenges for a patient on a plant-based diet? We’ll discuss these questions in this podcast on “Plant-Based Diets”. Our guest is Lisa Lammert, a registered dietician and nutritionist at the Mayo Clinic.

    • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.25 Attendance
Taking Care of Your Personal Well-Being "In Their Own Words" - no credit offered

Available until February 1, 2026

Health care professionals often struggle with personal well-being due to career demands. There are simple and straightforward ways to improve well-being despite a demanding profession. We welcome you to learn from two Mayo Clinic physicians who share their personal journeys and suggestions for well-being.

Enduring Ongoing
Mayo Clinic Talks: Pulmonary Function Testing

Available until February 1, 2026

Pulmonary function tests are extremely useful in both diagnosing and managing patients with respiratory disease. In addition to a medical history, physical exam and imaging studies, they give us a great deal of information of the pulmonary physiology and help us understand why patients have various respiratory symptoms. However, there are quite a number of pulmonary function tests available to us and which tests we should order can be confusing. Do we know when spirometry, lung volumes or diffusion capacity will be useful for evaluating the various pulmonary conditions? Our guest for this podcast is Dr. Alexander Niven, from the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the Mayo Clinic and he’ll provide answers to these questions and more as we discuss “How to Use Pulmonary Function Tests Effectively”.

    • 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 0.50 Attendance
Mayo Clinic Proceedings Rise to the Challenge: Master the Management of Clostridioides difficile Infection (June 1, 2024)

June 1, 2024 - May 31, 2026

One of the premier peer-reviewed clinical journals in general and internal medicine, Mayo Clinic Proceedings is among the most widely read and highly cited scientific publications...

    • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 1.00 ABIM
