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Contact Information: Patrick Brannan Senior Oncology Specialist Cell: 612-816-1769 pbrannan@amgen.com
Kim Tremain Senior Oncology Specialist Cell: 612-790-8513 ktremain@amgen.com Jenna Kaiser, RN, BSN, OCN Oncology Specialist Cell: 805-657-7074 jkaise03@amgen.com Amgen Oncology Live Virtual Meeting Room A Live Virtual Meeting Room via WebEx will be available during breaks Click here to join Meeting
Join by meeting number Meeting number (access code): 146 086 0047 Meeting password: wX4HWVvNK55 | Virtual Exhibit Hall Home At Amgen, we are committed to the relentless pursuit of breakthroughs for cancer patients and their families. We have a deep and diverse pipeline of cutting-edge therapeutic approaches that aim to improve outcomes. Amgen has been pursuing novel treatment approaches for more than 40 years.
We never stop looking toward the next frontier of innovation to bring the greatest potential benefit to patients.
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