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Travel and Lodging Accomodations
Jacksonville International Airport (JAX) is located 45 minutes from Mayo Clinic. Taxis and rental cars are readily available at the airport. Travel and lodging arrangements are the sole responsibility of the individual registrant. Transportation is highly recommended, as the campus is not within walking distance to dining locations. Attendees are responsible for their own reservations.
Mayo Clinic Courtyard byMarriott
14390 Mayo Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Located on the Mayo Clinic Campus
For those seeking off-campus oceanfront accommodations:
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club
200 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082
888-839-9145Located 6 miles from the Mayo Clinic Campus
You may also wish to view for additional accommodations as well as recreation and leisure activities.
Parking is available in multiple lots near the Stabile North Building on W.M. Davis Parkway at no charge, as well as in the Mayo patient/visitor ramp adjacent to the Davis Building on Mayo Boulevard at $3 per day on Friday and no charge on Saturday. The cost for parking is not included in the registration fee.
Mayo School of CPD is not responsible for expenses incurred by an individual who is not confirmed and for whom space is not available at the meeting. Costs incurred by the registrant such as airline or hotel fees or penalties are the responsibility of the registrant.