Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract for consideration of a poster presentation at the Mayo Clinic Artificial Intelligence Symposium.
Here are guidelines for submitting an abstract for consideration of oral presentations (10-15 min) and/or poster presentations in the general sessions. Abstracts should focus on AI for healthcare targeting a mixed audience of stakeholders including researchers, clinical practitioners, and senior decision-makers. Posters will be displayed on 4’ x 8’ panels in the poster area and will remain up for the full day (two days with two different sets of posters). Ideally all poster submissions will be available in both poster and electronic format for remote participation. The top 10 best poster abstracts will be selected to compete for the best poster awards and given 5 min oral presentation in the poster-boaster sessions.
Submission deadline is March 1, 2020 and notification of acceptance by March 20.