Advanced Suturing Skills Workshop - 2/9/17

February 9, 2017

This intensive skills workshop is designed for nurse practitioners and physician assistants who are proficient in performing simple interrupted sutures and wish to build on their skills.  The Advanced Suturing course will provide opportunity to practice: subcuticular running, horizontal mattress, corner stitch, buried stitch, and securing tubes. All supplies are provided for the workshop.  Enrollment is limited in order to optimize the learning experience.

Learning Objectives

Upon conclusion of this program, participants should be able to: 

•    Discuss management of more complex wound closure
•    Demonstrate more advanced wound closure techniques 

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
Event starts: 
02/09/2017 - 3:15pm
Event ends: 
02/09/2017 - 5:15pm

Available Credit

  • 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit


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