October 5-6, 2015 - Westin Michigan Avenue - Chicago, Illinois
Course Directors: Walter J. Cook, M.D., Jonathan N. Johnson, M.D.

Westin Michigan Avenue
909 North Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: 1-866-716-8104

Lodging Accommodations
Westin Michigan Avenue
909 North Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60611
Reservations: 888-627-8385 or make your reservations online!

Guest rooms have been reserved for attendees and their guests with a special course rate of $249 per night at The Westin Michigan Avenue.

To receive the special rate, reservations must be made before the room block is filled or before the expiration date of Sept. 11, 2015, whichever comes first. Reservations are taken following this date based on space and rate availability. Please identify yourself as a participant of the Mayo Clinic Pediatric Days Course when making your reservation. Lodging arrangements are the sole responsibility of the individual registrant. 

Mayo School of CPD is not responsible for expenses incurred by an individual who is not confirmed and for whom space is not available at the meeting. Costs incurred by the registrant such as airline or hotel fees or penalties are the responsibility of the registrant.

Maintenance of Certification

American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) optional pre-course session 
Sunday October 4, 2015: Maintenance of Certification Part 2 Self-Assessment

•    2015 Pediatric Emergency Medicine Self-Assessment (MOC Part 2)
•    2015 Infectious Disease Self-Assessment (MOC Part 2)

The optional pre-course ABP Maintenance of Certification Part 2 Self-Assessment session is chaired by expert faculty, who analyze reference articles and module questions to explain why they are important for the field and provide key points and clinical pearls. Session attendees actively participate through verbal discussion and understanding of current evidence; a common consensus is achieved in answering these questions. The collective information gathered in these interactive sessions enhances individual knowledge and improves retention of current medical information.

Attendees are required to bring their laptops to the session in order to log in to their personal portfolio on the ABP website. Participants may then go to the activity under the MOC section. ABP recommends a laptop computer be used to take this self-assessment. Mobile device technology, including iPad, may experience difficulty.

These sessions can help participants understand and learn ABP-approved self-assessment modules. Mayo Clinic is an accredited sponsor and has approved this group learning session for CME credit. After the completion of this interactive module, credit for MOC Part 2 will be entered directly into your ABP portfolio.

Attendance at this Mayo course does not indicate nor guarantee competence or proficiency in the performance of any procedures which may be discussed or taught in this course.

American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) optional pre-course session
Sunday, October 4, 2015: Childhood Illness

Family physicians can complete the ABFM Childhood Illness Self-Assessment Module (SAM). Participants work as a group, learning from one another. The session is led by family physicians who are experienced SAM moderators, assisted by pediatric content experts. The group discusses 60 core competency questions and answers. The Childhood Illness module focuses on common infections, accidents and injuries, dermatological conditions, and disorders of behavior, growth, and development.  

For this session, family physician attendees do not need an individual computer or Internet access; come equipped only with a desire to learn and to share expertise with your peers. After the session, we will submit the group's answers on a single group answer sheet. Later, individuals need to log in to the ABFM website, pay the required ABFM fee, and do the second part of the SAM, the Clinical Simulation.



Course summary