Mayo Clinic Oncology Review 2016
Course Director: Axel Grothey, M.D.
Guest Course Director: Patrick Flynn, M.D.
This one-day educational program will provide hematology and oncology clinicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants with an overview of the most recent advances in the treatment of various oncologic malignancies, based on abstracts presented at the June 2016 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Invited speakers choose exciting and relevant abstracts presented at the ASCO meeting and discuss their clinical relevance to the oncology practice.
Loews Minneapolis Hotel
601 First Ave. North
Minneapolis, MN 55403
612-677-1100 or 866-523-1100 (toll-free)
Lodging Accommodations
Guest rooms have been reserved for attendees and their guests with a special course rate of $149 per night at Loews Minneapolis Hotel in Minneapolis, MN.
In order to receive the special rate, reservations must be made before the room block is filled or July 1, 2016, whichever comes first.
Reservations are taken following this date based on space and rate availability. Please identify yourself as a participant of the Mayo Clinic Oncology Review when making your reservation.
Lodging arrangements are the sole responsibility of the individual registrant.
Mayo School of CPD is not responsible for expenses incurred by an individual who is not confirmed and for whom space is not available at the meeting. Costs incurred by the registrant such as airline or hotel fees or penalties are the responsibility of the registrant.
Program Schedule
Course Brochure
Exhibitor Opportunity
This course offers the unique opportunity for commercial companies to interact with health care providers and highlight their products and services. If you are interested in exhibit space during this course, please contact Jenna Pederson.
Learning Objectives
Upon conclusion of this program, participants should be able to:
- Interpret new, practice-relevant data presented at ASCO 2016.
- Integrate evidence-based treatment strategies into clinical practice in various fields of medical oncology.
- Describe the usefulness of biomarker-based treatment approaches in oncology
Attendance at this Mayo course does not indicate nor guarantee competence or proficiency in the performance of any procedures which may be discussed or taught in this course.
Available Credit
- 6.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™