The Cost of the Climb Online Course


Access to this online course is available from the date of purchase until the course expires on December 1, 2027. Credit must be claimed within that time period.

This course is for Mayo Clinic Personnel only 

To obtain access for this course: 

  1. Go to MyLearning and locate the Cost of the Climb module by searching for the course ID 259002EMPL006423
  2. After completing the module, you will receive the access code to register for this course.
  3. Return to this course, input the case-sensitive access code, complete the assessment and claim credit.

This course was designed from the October 4, 2023, Cost of the Climb workshop facilitated by John Graham. This course will dive deeper into demystifying executive presence while allowing time for reflection for greater self-awareness and confidence building. This course will change how you view your professional experience by highlighting power dynamics and tactics when navigating leadership roles.

Target Audience

This activity is appropriate for physicians, advanced practice providers, healthcare executives, and allied health professionals.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify Plantation Theory, why historical perspective is important in understanding the modern day lived experience in the U.S.
  • Identify the truth about representation, safe leaders, to determine any differences between commitment versus action.
  • Recognize the concept of being coded for excellence.
  • Identify the subtle language used in corporate America, differentiating between code-switching versus conversational pragmatics.
  • Identify why working twice as hard is not something our parents taught us, it's why our ancestors were brought here.

Utilization of this Mayo Clinic online (enduring materials) course does not indicate nor guarantee competence or proficiency in the performance of any procedures which may be in this course.

Additional Information

PDF icon Additional Information162.04 KB
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 3.00 ACHE
Course opens: 
Course expires: 


Credit Statement(s):

By attending the Cost of the Climb offered by Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science participants may earn up to 3.00 ACHE Qualifying Education Hours toward initial certification or recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) designation.

For disclosure information regarding Mayo Clinic School of Continuous Professional Development accreditation review committee member(s) and staff, please go here to review disclosures.

Available Credit

  • 3.00 ACHE


Please login or register to take this course.

To obtain access for this course: 

  1. Go to MyLearning and locate the Cost of the Climb module by searching for the course ID 259002EMPL006423
  2. After completing the module, you will receive the access code to register for this course.
  3. Return to this course, input the case-sensitive access code, complete the assessment and claim credit.

This course is for Mayo Clinic Personnel only 

Access to this online course is available from the date of purchase until the course expires on May 6, 2027. Credit must be claimed within that time period.

Registration required to claim CME credit.

Commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion​ 

Mayo Clinic School of Continuous Professional Development (MCSCPD) strives to foster a learning environment in which individual differences are valued, allowing all to achieve their fullest potential.  ​ 


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