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Online CNE Courses
Livestream and online single topic courses offering ANCC nursing contact hours including free courses


Genetics and Genomics Nursing Webinar Series

These livestream courses will provide nurses with education on genomics with a focus on how to translate genomic science into practice. Genomics is a rapidly growing field, and these courses will provide information that nurses can use when caring for patients and families.


Social Media Branding in Nursing Online CNE Nursing Course

This online course provides an overview of how nurses and healthcare organizations can utilize different social media platforms to engage with staff, recruit, enhance awareness of brand, and much more.


Foundations of Critical Care Nursing Curriculum

Online curriculum providing core knowledge for entry into telemetry, progressive, and critical care nursing. Includes medication therapy, renal concepts, fluid & electrolyte management, initial cardiac concepts, and delirium.


Preceptor Basics Online CNE Nursing Course

This is a beginner course for nurses new to the preceptor role. Includes common terms, assessing learning styles, giving constructive feedback, competency validation, and strategies for promoting critical thinking.


Radiation Oncology Nursing Curriculum

This comprehensive curriculum provides nurses with essential knowledge on the prevalence, incidence, and risk factors of cancers across various disease sites, including head and neck, genitourinary, gastrointestinal, breast, central nervous system, lung, lymphoma, gynecologic, pediatric, and sarcoma cancers. The content emphasizes the presenting symptoms, diagnostic workup, and treatment modalities for each cancer type, with a particular focus on radiation therapy. Nurses will also gain expertise in recognizing and managing the side effects of radiation therapy.


Oncology Nursing Core Curriculum

This online nursing curriculum provides core knowledge of Oncology concepts, including an overview of cancer, diagnostic evaluation, goals of treatment, medications, nutrition, ethics, and effects of tobacco use. Many of the modules include case scenarios applicable to any practice setting. This content meets the criteria for the Commission on Cancer (CoC) Standard 4.2 Oncology Nursing Credentials.


Dedicated Education Units (DEU) Online CNE Nursing Course

This online CNE course is designed to provide organizations interested in implementing an innovative clinical nursing education model that builds student competence, socializes students to the role of the nurse and provides greater staff nurse satisfaction. The DEU model highlights an innovative academic practice partnership.


Basics of ECG Rhythm Interpretation 2025 Livestream (virtual) Online CNE Nursing Course Series

This livestream CNE course series is designed as a beginner overview of ECG rhythm interpretation for cardiac monitoring. 12 lead ECG interpretation is not included. All 2025 course dates are listed and open for registration.

This course will be conducted as a live web stream with an expert instructor and includes hands on practice time interpreting ECG rhythms along with self-paced assignments.

Included in the registration fee is a set of digital calipers and the "Basic ECG Redbook" a comprehensive workbook. 

January, March, May, July, September, & November Dates Available.

This livestream course series is not intended for Mayo Clinic Rochester Department of Nursing Staff. Please search MyLearning for Basic ECG Interpretation ID# A1060110RBEG25 for the proper course. 


Effective Communication in Healthcare Online CNE Course

This course has been designed to help healthcare providers in all disciplines enhance communication with their patients as well as other healthcare professionals. Your interactions with patients and colleagues are opportunities to develop trust and exert a positive influence. This course will provide you with communication skills and strategies to have thoughtful, empathic and effective conversations.


Urology Gynecology Nursing Webinar Series

This livestream webinar course series will focus on genitourinary conditions including types of incontinence, pelvic floor dysfunction, catheterization, voiding trials, urodynamic studies, and autonomic dysreflexia.


Dealing With Conflict Online CNE Nursing Course

This online nursing course will discuss types of conflict nurses encounter, types of personalities and identifying these in other people, ways to approach conflict, and the need for an identified approach.


Diabetes Nurse Educator Online Nursing Curriculum

This online nursing curriculum provides training for nurses new into the diabetes education specialist role. It includes an overview of the diabetes nurse education specialist role, certification, patient assessment, education strategy, nutrition, exercise, behavior change, case management with an interdisciplinary team, and new technologies in diabetes management. Program will be available fully online containing pre-recorded lectures.


Employee Well-Being Online CNE Nursing Course

This online nursing course provides an overview of contributing factors and consequences of employee distress. An enlightened leadership approach to healthcare professional well-being and interdisciplinary teams will be provided.


Publication and Presentation: Dissemination of Scholarly Nursing Work

This online CNE nursing course provides an overview of scholarly nursing work including conference presentations and manuscript publications. Topics include how to select a conference/journal to submit to, writing an abstract, creating a poster or podium presentation, and writing a manuscript.


Advanced 12-Lead ECG Interpretation Online CNE Nursing Course

This online CNE course includes nine online modules designed to prepare nurses and healthcare professionals for 12-lead ECG interpretation including recognizing normal and subsequent changes associated with ischemia, injury, infarction, bundle branch blocks, and hypertrophy. The modules also include recognition of axis deviation along with differentiation of ectopy from aberrancy, assessment of QT intervals, and clinical significance. Emphasis is placed on the pathophysiology of these changes, clinical presentation, and interventions for all. It is strongly recommended to have prior knowledge of basic ECG interpretation before completing these modules. 


Nursing Legal Online CNE Course Series

This recorded course series will focus on legal aspects of nursing including a review of the RaDonda Vaught criminal case about a medication error, documentation techniques, and testing your legal IQ as a nurse. 

Series Available (You must sign up for each course separately)

  • A Criminal Case Against a Nurse for Medication Error: Lessons Learned from the RaDonda Vaught Case
  • Surefire Documentation Techniques: What Every Nurse Needs To Know
  • Test Your Legal I.Q. for Nurses

Perianesthesia CNE Nursing Curriculum

This Perianesthesia CNE Nursing Curriculum is designed to train nurses new to the perianesthesia nursing specialty. This curriculum is based on the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ASPAN) scope and standards of practice. It contains thirteen online modules that are self-directed learning and are intended to be completed over multiple weeks during clinical orientation. Topics include phases of perianesthesia nursing, airway management, organ systems, anesthesia agents, moderate sedation, emergent situations, patient education, pain management, nausea & vomiting, and discharge.


Finding and Keeping Top Talent: Nursing Recruitment and Retention Strategies Online CNE Nursing Course

This online CNE nursing course focuses on nursing recruitment and retention strategies. An overview of national trends, evidence-based practices, and novel approaches will be included.


Academic Clinical Nurse Educator Online CNE Nursing Course

This online CNE nursing course is intended for nurses who will function in the specialty area of nursing practice known as the academic clinical nurse educator (ACNE) role. In this role, the ACNE reports to the academic institution while conducting student experiences in the clinical setting. This course will prepare learners for active clinical supervision, grading expectations, providing feedback to students, and evaluation (formative & summative) of students. The course will also provide resources for the ACNE role, promote development of clinical judgment, and address population considerations, including generational differences, diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI), and promotion of mental health and self-care for students.


Intramuscular Injections Online CNE Nursing Course

This online CNE nursing course is designed to provide an overview of intramuscular (IM) injections. Content reviews the deltoid, vastus lateralis, and ventrogluteal injection sites including anatomical landmarks for locating each with return demonstration scenarios on different patients. Correct steps for administration of immunizations and other IM injections along with precaution considerations are also included.


Motivational Interviewing Strategies to Promote Behavior Change Online CNE Nursing Course

This education will provide nurses with motivational interviewing skills to collaboratively communicate with patients to promote lifestyle changes and engage patients to create an individualized care plan to manage their chronic disease.  


Ambulatory Nurse Visits Online CNE Nursing Course

This online CNE nursing course provides an overview of how to create ambulatory nurse visits in your organization. Topics include stakeholder buy-in, nursing scope of practice, nurse-initiated protocols, scheduling, billing & reimbursement, nursing education, and data management.


Nursing & Social Work Grand Rounds Online Courses

These online CNE nursing courses are designed for nurses, social workers, and other healthcare professionals in all care settings and specialties. Topics include communication, ethics, wellness, workplace violence, compassion fatigue, opioid & substance abuse disorders, and many more. Patient scenarios, tools & strategies, and everyday application into practice are presented.


Advancing Care Through Genomics: Essentials for Nursing Practice-Online CNE/CME Courses

Genomic testing and genomic medicine are both rapidly growing fields, and the American Nurses Association recognizes that all nurses have a role in delivering genetics/genomics services to patients and families. Clinical advances have resulted in the introduction of genomics into practices ranging from primary care to oncology to critical care. These courses have been designed to provide nurses and health care staff with broad education in genomics and were specifically developed to translate genomic science into practice.

Free Online CNE Courses
Free recorded online sessions offering ANCC nursing contact hours


Closing the Gap to Hmong Mental Health Care - From Cultural Humility to Cultural Competence

This course is designed to provide education on the Hmong culture including roles in the family structure, views of healthcare professionals and mental health disease. Communication strategies will be presented from a cultural humility lens along with how to shift to a personalized approach for best practices.


Care of Textured Hair and Skin of Color Free Online CNE Nursing Course

This online CNE nursing course provides information about the biology of textured hair and skin of color down to the follicular and lipid level. Several demonstration videos are included for care of braids, long hair, medium length hair, low haircuts, and care of skin. Many products are discussed for specific purposes.


Care of the Transgender and Gender Diverse Patient Free Online CNE Nursing Course

This free online CNE course provides a general overview of caring for transgender and gender diverse patients including creating a safe and trusting healthcare environment. Included in this self-guided module are common terms and definitions, gender and sexual orientation, gender congruence, use of personal pronouns, case scenarios for the workplace and patient care, and patient stories sharing their journey.


Youth E-Cigarette Use What Nurses Need to Know Free Online CNE Nursing Course

This free online course will discuss youth vaping and how this has been deemed an epidemic by the FDA and the U.S. Surgeon General. Attendees will learn the basics of e-cigarettes, the risks of youth vaping, current trends, and youth-specific cessation resources.


Nasopharyngeal Swab Collection Free Online CNE Nursing Course

This free online CNE course provides basic instructions how to perform a nasopharyngeal swab collection. Topics include personal protective equipment along with donning and doffing procedure, specimen collection equipment, anatomical landmarks for nasopharyngeal swabbing, and differentiation of types of swab collection based on virus being tested.